Nationwide Knowledge

By |2018-06-25T12:48:16-06:00March 29th, 2018|

At Watchtower Security we believe that people are our greatest asset. Having a great team to back up a great service, is extremely important. From our Sales and Project team designing the camera layout, the Service team maintaining that equipment, and our Forensic Review team searching through video footage to locate events, you can [...]

A New Lease On Life For Craven Terrace

By |2018-06-25T12:52:18-06:00March 20th, 2018|

In 1942, the United States Housing Authority built Craven Terrace, a low-income residential development, in New Bern, North Carolina. Over the course of 70 plus years the development aged. From leaky roofs, collapsed sewer lines, and mold, a large portion of the units were uninhabitable. In 2015, Evergreen Partners Housing began restoring Craven Terrace to [...]

Working Closely With Law Enforcement

By |2018-06-26T11:30:11-06:00March 14th, 2018|

Working closely with our clients gives us a greater understanding of their respective needs, expectations, and allows us to better target the unique issues that come with each property. When incidents occur in these communities, many police officers and detectives are called to the scene. To our clients, that means that they, a high percentage [...]